Parallel sessions E

Session E consists of 7 parallel sessions lasting 90 minutes (12th October 10:30-12:00) in a variety of formats:

E1 - Sustainable healthcare leadership and management

E2 - Towards more sustainable care pathways

  • Sacha Tensen, Environmental specialist - UMC Utrecht
  • Arie Raaijmakers 
  • Eva de Boer, Project Manager - Erasmus MC
  • Fanny van der Loo, Marketing Manager - Hill-Rom
  • Alex van der Putten, Head purchasing and supply chain management - Radboudumc

E4 - MEDicines Unwanted in Water (MEDUWA) (Plasma water treatment for pharmaceuticals)

E5 - The 'win-win' of lowering the carbon footprint of healthcare


Latest news

The Sustainable and Healthy Food in Healthcare workshop report, including the featured presentations, is now available. Read more
Following a great gala dinner last night, the final day of CleanMed Europe 2018 began with parallel sessions on different topics. Read more
It was another beautiful day in Nijmegen - the perfect conditions for many participants to cycle to CleanMed Europe – a great, emission-free start to the day! Read more

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