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Jules Janssen Daalen, Medical Student - Radboud University Medical Centre
As an ambitious Medical Student, Jules Janseen Daalen has been dedicating time to various activities besides his primary education from the start of his studies. These matters include Education Policy as part of the UMC Council in Nijmegen and doing research in neuroscience. As he thinks the future of medicine holds much more than current study often allows, he would describe himself as an advocate of challenging elective elements that broaden views of students and teachers alike in education, research and patient care.
Dr. Michiel Schokking, Pediatric Cardiologist - Radboudumc
Presentation: Should we educate nurse students about sustainability? A Delphi-survey among European nurse educators and professionals
Speaker: Dr. Maud Huynen, Research Fellow - Maastricht University
Dr. Maud Huynen is a Research Fellow at the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development, at Maastricht University. She holds Masters Degrees in Environmental Health Science (2001) and Epidemiology (2003), and a Ph.D. in Global Health (2008).
She has been involved in several European and Dutch projects exploring the health impacts of climate change. Maud is lead author of the ZonMw proposal for a national research programme on ‘Climate Change and Health’ and acted as a reviewer of the Health Council of The Netherlands' report 'Global environmental impact on health'.
Recently, she worked on the NurSus TOOLKIT project (NurSusTOOLKIT: A Teaching and Learning Resource for Sustainability in Nursing; Erasmus+ Programme; www.nursus.eu, which aimed to enhance the availability/relevance of a sound learning offer in Sustainability Literacy and Competency (SLC) in nurse education by developing innovative teaching and learning approaches and materials.
Jenny Isherwood, Clinical Fellow - Royal College of Physicians
Jenny Isherwood is a Senior Surgical Trainee who has been seconded to the Royal College of Physicians for 2 years as part of a management and leadership programme. Jenny has focused on promoting the growing health concerns relating to climate change and finding simple and practical ways healthcare professional can embed sustainability into their everyday practice.
Aimee Protheroe - Programme Manager - Royal College of Physicians
With a hospital background in improvement, Aimee Protheroe is an experienced programme manager having led UK-wide programmes of assurance and improvement for a number of years at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). As programme manager for RCPQI, Aimee’s remit is to enable the development of quality improvement capability in healthcare professionals, through the production of high quality resources and training materials that will support clinical teams to put QI theory into practice. Aimee is an active member of the Health Foundation Q Community and a strong advocate of patient involvement and environmental sustainability in all aspects of QI.
Website by Studio Beam 2016