D2 | Greening the pharmacy through a clinical approach

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 Presentation: Greening the Pharmacy Through a Clinical Approach: A Win for Clinicians and Leadership 

Speaker: Dr. Ted Shieh, Emergency Medicine Physician - DuPage Medical Group

Ted C. Shieh M.D. is an Emergency Medicine Physician at DuPage Medical Group, and founder of their green team and sustainability-driven Immediate Care Centers. A graduate of Boston University School of Medicine and Clinical Instructor in Emergency Medicine at RUSH Medical College, Dr. Shieh was formerly a hospital-based Physician, where he served as the Chair of their hospital green team, performance improvement team, and Medical Director in Clinical Informatics. Dr. Shieh actively engages in healthcare environmental advocacy work and serves on Health Care Without Harm US & Canada's Physician Leadership and Advisory Committee. His areas of focus including green pharmacy, clinical efficiency, sustainable food, medical student education, and green building design. 


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