B4 | Environmental and social considerations in the purchasing of IT for healthcare

 - indicates presentation available

Presentation: Driving sustainability in the purchase of IT to the healthcare sector 

Speaker: Charlotta Brask, Sustainability Director - Stockholm County Council

Charlotta Brask is the Head of the Sustainability Department at the Stockholm County Council. She has worked with sustainability issues within the health and public transport sector for nearly 15 years and has got a Master’s degree in analytical chemistry from Lund University. In her role, Charlotta is responsible for overall and strategic environmental and social sustainability issues as well as for the process of monitoring economic sustainability. She is also part of the Treasury Department’s work on green bond emissions and impact reporting, as well as focusing on new business contacts with the county council, working with banks and financiers. She is passionate about the county council being able to offer the inhabitants of Stockholm health and dental care as well as public transportation in a sustainable way.


 Presentation: Updated Environmental & Social Criteria for EPEAT-Registered Computers/ Displays 

Speaker: Andrea Desimone, Senior Manager/ Purchaser Relations - Green Electronics Council 

Andrea supports organizations of all sizes as they seek ways to minimize the environmental impact of their purchase, operation, and disposal of electronic equipment. She provides guidance to organizations about leveraging the EPEAT system to fit their needs and manages the EPEAT Purchaser Award program. Andrea has been with the Green Electronics Council since 2012, during which time she has worked with purchasers and sustainability groups to help them implement EPEAT in their purchasing and evaluation programs. She has also collaborated with retailers and resellers to connect their customers with more sustainable electronics and has developed criteria-specific training for manufacturers.


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