C6 | Reducing the environmental impact of public procurement for healthcare

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 Presentation: Carbon footprint in public procurement: Policy evaluation from a case study in the healthcare sector

Speaker: Ahmed Idhammad, Head of Sustainable Development Unit - CHU Marrakech

President of Association for the Sustainable Development in Health (A2DS.org).
Head of Sustainable Development at the Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech. Head of Technical Facilities Department at the Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech. PhD in Modelling and Computational Science, University of Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech. Researcher on Environmental subjects and Energy Efficiency.


 Presentation: Towards purchasing real impact


Anne Marie van den Berg, Senior Purchaser & Advisor Sustainable Procurement - UMC Utrecht

Anne Marie van den Berg has been working as a Purchaser at the UMC Utrecht for 9 years and has been Advisor Sustainable Procurement for 1 year now. It is her goal to align procurement as much as possible with the sustainability goals of the organisation.

Lonneke de Graaff, Senior Researcher/Consultant - CE Delft 

Lonneke de Graaff (1978) is a Senior Researcher/Consultant at CE Delft since November 2015. Lonneke has over ten years of experience leading research and consultancy projects in the realm of sustainability. She has ample experience conducting and reviewing Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) on a wide range of topics. Lonneke is theme leader on the subject of green procurement. Using LCAs techniques she helps both government and industry to focus on the product groups with the highest environmental impact. Lonneke has drawn up sustainable procurement criteria for over 40 different product groups.


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